刘军 副教授

发文时间:2014-02-26 阅读次数:






电子邮箱:lj200321039@163.com or liujun@mail.buct.edu.cn



2017.1-现在      见习教授

2013.7-2016.12     北京化工大学材料科学与工程学院副教授, C类人才海外引进

2011.7-2013.7    美国密西根大学化学工程专业,博士后,导师:美国工程院院士Ronald Gary Larson

2003.9-2011.6     北京化工大学高分子材料科学与工程专业,本硕博连读









发表文章50余篇,作为第一作者或通讯联系人的SCI收录文章30余篇,包括 Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Energy, Macromolecules, Soft Matter, Langmuir, Nanotechnology等国际权威期刊,他人引用次数约600次。受邀分别Physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsRubber Chemistry and Technology上撰写长篇综述。同时受邀在Express Polymer Letters上撰写Editorial Corner。研究工作被美国物理协会(American Physical Society)、纳米科技网站(nanotechweb)等进行Highlight。同时受邀参加国际学术会议十余次。



201611  获得中国化工学会首届“中国橡胶科技创新奖”

201509  获第二届中国国际复合材料科技大会(CCCM-2)优秀论文奖

201010  获得中国石化 “英才奖学金

201001  获得第十六届全国复合材料学术会议优秀论文奖

200906  获得北京化工大学 “十大学术之星称号

200905  获得北京化工大学 “优秀研究生(博士生)” 称号

200811  获得日本住友橡胶奖学金

200804  获得北京化工大学 “优秀研究生(硕士)”称号


(1) 动态周期加载下橡胶基体中填料网络结构的演化与力学性能关系的模拟与实验研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目。

(2) 弹性体纳米复合材料Payne效应机制的分子动力学模拟与理论研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金。

(3) 橡胶纳米复合材料多层次多次度网络结构表征,科技部973项目。

(4) 石墨烯-橡胶纳米复合材料的制备及结构-性能关系的分子动力学模拟研究, 北京市教育委员会共建项目建设计划北京市重点实验室建设项目。

(5) 弹性体石墨烯复合材料计算机模拟研究, 北京化工大学C类人才启动资助

(6) 弹性体双固化技术, 道达尔公司

(7) 大型橡胶输送带用自组装修复材料开发, 无锡宝通科技股份有限公司

(8) 超低生热与高抗切割轮胎及3D打印技术研究, 山东玲珑轮胎股份有限公司

(9) 合成橡胶溶聚丁苯在轮胎中的应用, 中策橡胶集团有限公司

(10) 轮胎胎面用树脂的作用机理研究, 彤程集团有限公司



42. Jianxiang Shen, Xue Li, Xiaojun Shen and Jun Liu*; Insight into the Dispersion Mechanism of Polymer-Grafted Nanorods in Polymer Nanocomposites: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study; Macromolecules, 50, 687–699(2017).

41. Jun Liu, Zijian Zheng, Fanzhu Li, Weiwei Lei, Yangyang Gao, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang, Zhonglin Wang; Nanoparticle chemically end-linking elastomer network with super-low hysteresis loss for fuel-saving automobile; Nano Energy, 28, 87-96(2016).

40. Yonglai Lu, Jun Liu(contributed equally with the first author), Guanyi Hou, Jun Ma, Wencai Wanga, Fei Wei, Liqun Zhang From nano to giant? Designing carbon nanotubes for rubber reinforcement and their applications for high performance tiresComposites Science and Technology, 137, 94–101(2016)

39. Zijian Zheng, Zixuan Wang, Lu Wang, Jun Liu*, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang; Dispersion and shear-induced orientation of anisotropic nanoparticle filled polymer nanocomposites: insights from molecular dynamics simulation; Nanotechnology, 27,  265704 (2016)

38Jun Liu, Jianxiang Shen, Dapeng Cao, Liqun Zhang; Computer Simulation of Dispersion and Interface in Polymer Nanocomposites; Acta Polymerica Sinica, 8,1048-1061(2016)

37Jun Liu, Zhijun Yang, Ruijuan Liao, Ganwei Yang, Xiaohui Wu, Zhenghai Tang, Baochun Guo, Liqun Zhang, Yong Ma, Qiuhai Nie;Rational design of covalent interfaces for graphene/elastomer nanocomposites; Composites Science and Technology, 132, 68-75(2016)

36. Lu Wang, Zijian Zheng, Theodoros Davris, Fanzhu Li, Jun Liu*, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang, Lyulin Alexey V; Influence of Morphology on the Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites Filled with Uniform or Patchy Nanoparticles; Langmuir, 32, 8473-8483(2016)    

35. Zijian Zheng, Hongji Liu, Jianxiang Shen, Jun Liu*, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang; Tailoring the Static and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Tri-Block Copolymers through Molecular Dynamics Simulation; Polymers, 8, 335(2016)

34. Zixuan Wang, Zijian Zheng, Jun Liu*, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang; Tuning the Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites Filled with Grafted Nanoparticles by Varying the Grafted Chain Length and Flexibility; Polymers, 8, 270(2016)   

33. Zijian Zheng, Fanzhu Li, Hongji Liu, Jianxiang Shen, Jun Liu*, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang, Wenchuan Wang; Tuning the structure and mechanical property of polymer nanocomposites by employing anisotropic nanoparticles as netpoints; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 25090-25099(2016)

32. Yangyang Gao, Dapeng Cao, Youping Wu, Jun Liu*, Liqun Zhang; Controlling the conductive network formation of polymer nanocomposites filled with nanorods through the electric field; Polymer,101, 395-405(2016)

31. Lu Wang, Hongji Liu, Fanzhu Li, Jianxiang Shen, Zijian Zheng Yangyang Gao, Jun Liu*, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang; Stress-strain behavior of block-copolymers and their nanocomposites filled with uniform or Janus nanoparticles under shear: a molecular dynamics simulation; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 27232-27244(2016).  

30. Yangyang Gao, Dapeng Cao, Youping Wu, Jun Liu* and Liqun ZhangDestruction and Recovery of a Nanorod Conductive Network in Polymer Nanocomposites via Molecular Dynamics Simulation; Soft Matter, 12, 3074-3083(2016).

29. ZijianZheng, JianxiangShenJun Liu*, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang and Wenchuan Wang, Tuning the visco-elasticity of Elastomeric Polymer Materials via flexible nanoparticles:Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulation; RSC Advances, 6, 28666 - 28678(2016).

28. Lei Wang, Jun Liu*, Yonglai Lu, Liqun Zhang, Enhanced Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Rubber/Graphene Film through Layer-By-Layer Electrostatic Assembly; Composites Part B 90, (457-464)2016.

27. Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang*, Editorial Corner - A Personal View Proper Molecular Level Tool to Explore the Structure-Property Relationships in Elastomer Nanocomposites; Express Polymer Letters, 9(7) (582-582)2015

26. Jun Liu, Jianxiang Shen, Zijian Zheng, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang, Revealing the toughening mechanism of graphene-polymer nanocomposite through molecular dynamics simulation;Nanotechnology, 26, (291003)2015.

25. Colon-Melendez Laura, Beltran-Villegas Daniel J, van Anders Greg, Jun Liu, Spellings Matthew, Sacanna Stefano, Pine David J, Glotzer Sharon C, Larson Ronald G, Solomon Michael J, Binding kinetics of lock and key colloids; Journal of Chemical Physics, 142(174909)2015.

24. Maziar Mohammadi, Eric D. Larson, Jun Liu and Ronald G. Larson; Brownian dynamics simulations of coagulation of dilute uniform and anisotropic particles under shear flow spanning low to high Peclet numbers; Journal of Chemical Physics; 142, 024108(1-16)(2015).

23. Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang, Editorial corner - a personal view Proper molecular level tool to explore the structure-property relationships in elastomer nanocomposites; Express Polymer Letters, 9, (582-582)2015.

22. Yangyang Gao, Dapeng Cao, Jun Liu*, Jianxiang Shen, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang;  Molecular dynamics simulation of the conductivity mechanism of nanorod filled polymer nanocomposites; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 17,(22959-22968)2015.

21. Jianxiang Shen, Jun Liu, Haidong Li, Liqun Zhang, Molecular dynamics simulations of the structural, mechanical and visco-elastic properties of polymer nanocomposites filled with grafted nanoparticles,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 17,( 7196-7207)2015.

20. Jun Liu, Jianxiang Shen, Yangyang Gao, Huanhuan Zhou, Youping Wu, Liqun

Zhang*; Detailed simulation of the role of functionalized polymer chains on the structural, dynamic and mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites; Soft Matter; 10, 8971-8984(2014).

19.Yangyang Gao, Jun Liu*, Jianxiang Shen, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang*; Influence

of various nanoparticle shapes on the interfacial chain mobility: a molecular dynamics simulation; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 16, 21372-21382(2014).

18.Yangyang Gao, Jun Liu*, Jianxiang Shen, Dapeng Cao, Liqun Zhang*; Molecular dynamics simulation of the rupture mechanism in nanorod filled polymer nanocomposites; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 18483-18492(2014).

17. Jun Liu, Larson RG*; Brownian dynamics method for simulation of binding kinetics of patterned colloidal spheres with hydrodynamic interactions; Journal of Chemical Physics; 138, 174904(1-10)(2013).

16. Jun Liu, Yong-Lai Lu, Ming Tian, Fen Li, Jianxiang Shen,  yangyang Gao, Liqun Zhang*; The Interesting Adjusting of "Nanospring" on the Viscoelasticity of Elastomeric Polymer Materials: Simulation and Experiment; Advanced Functional Materials; 2013,23, 1156.

15. Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang*, Dapeng Cao, Jianxiang Shen, yangyang Gao; Computational simulation of elastomer nanocomposites: current progress and future challenges; Rubber Chemistry and Technology; 2012, 85, 450-481. (An invited review)

14Jun Liu, Yangyang Gao, Liqun Zhang*, Dapeng Cao*; Nanoparticle Dispersion and Aggregation in Polymer Nanocomposites: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation; Langmuir, 2011, 27, 15213.

13Jun LiuWu Yan, Jianxiang Shen, yangyang Gao, Liqun Zhang*, Dapeng Cao*; Polymer-nanoparticle interfacial behavior revisited: A molecular dynamics study; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2011, 13, 13058.

12. Jun Liu, Sizhu Wu, Liqun Zhang*, Dapeng Cao*, Wenchuan Wang; Molecular dynamics simulation for insight into microscopic mechanism of polymer Reinforcement; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 13, 518.

11. Jun LiuDapeng Cao*, Liqun Zhang*; Static and dynamic properties of model elastomers with various cross-linking densities: A molecular dynamics study; Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009,  131, 034903.

10. Jun LiuDapeng Cao*, Liqun Zhang*, Wenchuan Wang; Time-Temperature and Time-Concentration Superposition of Nanofilled Elastomers: A Molecular Dynamics Study; Macromolecules, 2009,  42, 2831.

9. Jun Liu, Dapeng Cao*, Liqun Zhang, Wenchuan Wang*; Static, rheological and mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites studied by computer simulation; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009, 11, 11365. (An invited perspective)

8Jun Liu, Sizhu Wu, Dapeng Cao*, Liqun Zhang*; Effects of pressure on structure and dynamics of model elastomers: A molecular dynamics study; Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008, 129, 154905.

7Jun Liu, Dapeng Cao*, Liqun Zhang*; Molecular Dynamics Study on Nanoparticle Diffusion in Polymer Melts: A Test of the Stokes-Einstein Law; Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008112, 6653.

6. Zhenhua Wang, Jun Liu (contributing equally with the first author), Sizhu Wu, Wenchuan Wang, Liqun Zhang*, Novel percolation phenomena and mechanism of strengthening elastomers by nanofillers;Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010, 12, 3014.

5. Jianxiang Shen, Jun Liu, Yangyang Gao, Cao Dapeng*, Liqun Zhang*; Revisiting the Dispersion Mechanism of Grafted Nanoparticles in Polymer Matrix: A Detailed Molecular Dynamics Simulation;Langmuir, 2011, 27, 15213.

4. Zhenhua Wang, Yong-Lai Lu, Jun Liu, Zhi-Min Dang, Liqun Zhang*; Preparation of nanoalumina/EPDM composites with good performance in thermal conductivity and mechanical properties,Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2011, 22, 2302.

3. Zhenhua Wang, Yong-Lai Lu, Jun Liu, Zhi-Min Dang, Liqun Zhang*; Preparation of Nano-Zinc Oxide/EPDM Composites with Both Good Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 119, 1144.

2. Xiaohui Wu, Yiqing Wang, Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang*, Improved crack growth resistance and its molecular origin of natural rubber/carbon black by nanodispersed clay; Polymer Engineering and Science, 2012, 52, 1027.  

1刘军王振华吴丝竹卢咏来张立群,  橡胶纳米补强中的逾渗机理和界面相互作用的研究橡胶工业201158, 133.



1. Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang; Invited Speaker; Experimental and simulation studies of novel elastomer nanocomposites with super-low hysteresis loss; 2016 International Rubber Conference, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, October 2016.

2. Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang; Invited Speaker; Computational simulation aided-design of high performance elastomer nanocomposites; the 4thInternational Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites; Vicenza, Italy, September 2016. 

3. Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang; Invited Speaker; Netpoints for elastomer nanocomposites with ultralow hysteresis loss towards automobile tire fuel economy; 188th Technical Meeting, ACS Rubber Division, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, October 2015.

4. 刘军,张立群;邀请报告绿色轮胎用弹性体纳米复合材料全链条与跨尺度基础科学问题;第116双清论坛”,中国北京;20147月。

5. Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang; Invited Speaker; Elucidating and tuning the non-linear behavior of elastomer nanocomposites through molecular dynamics simulation;  The 3rd International Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites (ICNN-3); Hongkong, China, May 2014.

6. Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang; Invited Speaker; Molecular dynamics simulation of elastomer nanocomposites: current achievements and future opportunities; 30th International Conference of The Polymer Processing Society(PPS-30); Cleveland, Ohio, USA, July 2014.

7. Jun LiuLarson RG; Oral Presentation; Brownian Dynamics method for simulation of recognition kinetics between lock and key colloids; the 86th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium;Baltimore, Maryland, June 2012.

8. Jun LiuLarson RG; Oral Presentation; Brownian Dynamics Simulation of  Recognition Kinetics Between Lock and Key Colloidal Particles; AICHE annual   meeting; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 2012.

9Jun LiuLarson RG; Oral presentation; Brownian dynamics method for simulation of binding kinetics of patterned colloidal spheres with hydrodynamic interactions; the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology; Pasadena, California, February 2013.

10Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang, Dapeng Cao; Oral Presentation; The Interesting Influence of Nanosprings on the Viscoelasticity of Elastomeric Polymer Materials: Simulation and Experiment; 2013 APS March meeting; Baltimore, Maryland, March 18-22, 2013.

11Jun Liu, Dapeng Cao, Liqun Zhang; Oral Presentation; Tuning the mechanical  and visco-elastic properties of elastomer nanocomcoposites: a molecular dynamics simulation; 2013 CCCM-1;Beijing, China, September 10-13, 2013.

12Jun Liu, Dapeng Cao, Liqun Zhang; Oral Presentation; Tuning the mechanical and visco-elastic properties of elastomer nanocomcoposites: a molecular dynamics simulation; 2013 Joint Symposium about soft matter of Beijing University of Chemical Technology and University of CambridgeBeijing, China, September 25, 2013.