魏杰 教授

发文时间:2013-04-25 阅读次数:


魏杰 教授/博导

有机功能材料系 信息记录材料研究室主任






1981-1985 北京化工大学高分子化工专业获学士学位

1990-1993 北京化工大学高分子材料专业获硕士学位


2007-2008 纽约州立大学石溪分校 访问研究员










主持国家自然科学基金、北京自然科学基金、科技部863项目、省重大科技攻关等项目50余项,发表CarbonJ. Mater. Chem.J. Phys. Chem. C.学术论文合计近百篇,发明专利10项。编辑出版《信息记录材料》、《光固化涂料》、《家用化学品实用小百科》专业书籍3部。省部级科技成果鉴定6项。获中国感光学会第一、三届青年学术优秀论文及柯达香港大中华公司奖励,曾获北京市高等学校骨干教师称号和教育部高等学校骨干教师计划资助2007年获Bayer大中华区论文竞赛一等奖2000年获国际影像大学优秀论文。2011年获中国感光学会科技进步二等奖。



1、  Huihui Wang, Jinbao Guo, Jia Li, Jie Wei*. Fabrication of Bimetallic Nanoparticles/multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Composites for Microelectronic Circuits, Carbon, 2010. 49: 779-786

2、  Putian Wang, Jinbao Guo, Huihui Wang, Yan Zhang, and Jie Wei*. Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Filled Ultraviolet Curable Resin Nanocomposites and Their Applications for Nanoimprint Lithography,  J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113:8118–8123

3、  Gangqiang Li, Jinbao Guo, Xiao Wang, Jie Wei*. Microencapsulation of a Functional Dye and Its UV Crosslinking Controlled Releasing Behavior, Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2009,14: 3630-3639 

4、 Xiao Wang, Gangqiang Li, Jie Wei*, Weiwen Guan. A Novel Method to Control Microcapsule Release Behavior Via Photo-Crosslink Polyurethane Acrylate Shells. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2009,113:1008–1016.

5、  Jinbao Guo, Hao Wu, Fengjin Chen, Lipei Zhang, Wanli He, Huai Yang and Jie Wei*. Fabrication of multi-pitched photonic structure in cholesteric liquid crystals based on a polymer template with helical structure, J. Mater. Chem , 2010, 20:4094–4102

6、 Fengjin Chen, Jinbao Guo*, Zhijian Qu and Jie Wei * Novel photo-polymerizable chiral hydrogen-bonded self-assembled complexes: Preparation, characterization and the utilization as a thermal switching reflective color film, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 218574-8582

7、 Jinbao Guo, Huai Yang, Rui Li, Nan Ji, Xiaoming Dong, Hao Wu, and Jie Wei*. Effect of Network Concentration on the Performance of Polymer-Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals with a Double-Handed Circularly Polarized Light Reflection Band,  J. Phys. Chem. C , 2009, 113:16538–16543   

8、 Xiaoming Dong, Jinbao Guo, Yang Jiao, Jie Wei*. Light-Control Birefringence of Oriented Poly (vinyl cinnamate) by UV Irradiation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2010,116:3367

9、 Yang Jiao, Jinbao Guo, Xiaoming Dong, Rui Li, Jie Wei*. Kinetic Analysis of Solid-State Photodimerization Reaction of Photosensitive Monomers and a Polymer with Cinnamoyl Moieties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2010,116: 3569–3580

10、Jinbao Guo, Fengjin Chen, Zhijian Qu, Huai Yang, and Jie Wei*. Electrothermal Switching Characteristics from a Hydrogen-Bonded Polymer Network Structure in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals with a Double-Handed Circularly Polarized Light Reflection Band , J. Phys. Chem. B , 2011, 115 (5): 861–868